"Let's embrace diversity for a better world" the International Youth Conference for Peace in the Future 2020

Young participants in the International Youth Conference for Peace and Future, from cities around the world,


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“Let’s embrace diversity for a better world” the International Youth Conference for Peace in the Future 2020


Young participants in the International Youth Conference for Peace and Future, from cities around the world, worked together to make a video with the hope that "tolerance toward diversity can create world peace." They created orizuru paper cranes in a variety of colors, shapes, and sizes, reflecting the diversity of each person. It expresses that their wish is a common one, even if their cranes are different. In addition, the cranes deliver their wish that people worldwide, suffering from an array of problems (including environmental degradation, human rights abuses, and COVID-19), can live in safety, health and happiness.


"Let's embrace diversity for a better world" the International Youth Conference for Peace in the Future 2020
